Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Do your roommates or your spouse complain about noises you make with your teeth while you sleep? Are you wondering what might be happening? The Grand Rapids dentists at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan can reveal problems you may have with snoring, teeth grinding, or sleep apnea. We look for signs of worn or broken teeth, excessive wear, a pie-crust tongue and bony growths along the jawline, all of which can be signs of bruxism or a sleep-breathing disorder. We can also assess your airway for...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI We’ve all been there, skimped on sleep a night or two to meet a deadline, enjoy a late night out, or maybe up all night to take care of a sick child, but not getting enough sleep has severe, even potentially deadly consequences. Researchers estimate that 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. sleep fewer than 7 hours a night, which impairs their driving the next day. Your sleep doctors at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan want to share some insightful information with you regarding the...

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