OLD TMJ & SLEEP TECHNOLOGY VS THE LATEST METHODS Are you ready for more comfortable and efficient visits to your neuromuscular dentist? At TMJ and Sleep Disorders of MI, we earnestly seek out the latest and best technology for serving our patients. Our latest addition, the Itero scanner, is a true game changer.  With the Itero scanner,  our patients will no longer have to go through the lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable process of getting conventional impressions done to their teeth, gums and jaw. With the Itero scanner, our patients now bypass all the gagging, discomfort and goop used with the...
As Featured In Good Housekeeping & Woman’s Day Grand Rapids Healthcare Profiles For more than 100 years and four generations, the Mulder family has given excellent dental care to the West Michigan area, providing cosmetic, reconstructive, TMJ, and sleep apnea solutions for their patients. The Mulders provide services at three Grand Rapids area locations: Westside Dental GR, A Life of Smiles, and TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan… » Read the Full Article here
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Experiencing everyday pain can have a major impact on your life. It can affect your ability to sleep, work, eat, or just do the things that you enjoy from day to day. Pain is one of the most frequently reported symptoms of patients with temporomandibular joint disorder. Also known as TMJ disorder or TMD, this ailment often causes severe pain that is debilitating enough to hinder your daily life. This pain could manifest in the mouth, the neck, as headaches, or through ear symptoms like tinnitus and...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI If you suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder, your symptoms may be completely different from another person who has this ailment. Also referred to as TMJ disorder or TMD, this condition often causes severe pain—debilitating enough to impede your ability to function on a daily basis. This pain may emanate from the jaw joints, the face, or even the neck, back, and shoulders in an advanced case of the disorder. However, even severe pain emanating from the jaw and face is not an accurate indicator in and of...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI It’s in the middle of the night and you can’t sleep. During the day your head aches and your jaws throb. What’s causing this pain and what can you do about it? Your TMJ dentist in Grand Rapids at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan would like to share with you some insight on TMJ disorder, it’s causes, and what you can do about it to get through the holidays and beyond. What is TMJ disorder? TMJ disorders involves a dysfunction of the jaw joints also known...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI When you wake up, do your jaws feel sore? Does your head hurt? Do your teeth ever feel tender or sensitive? These are all warning signs of a more serious condition known as bruxism, which occurs while you sleep and results in clenching and grinding of the teeth. Many Americans, even children, experience bruxism and don’t even realize that they have it! Your Grand Rapids TMJ doctors at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan want you to know more about this serious condition, how it affects your...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Temporomandibular joint disorder (also known as TMJ disorder or TMD) often causes its sufferers chronic, debilitating pain. However, did you know that a case of TMJ disorder also could cause a sleep breathing disorder like sleep apnea? Your TMJ doctors at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan want to use our knowledge to explain how sleep apnea—and other issues—can manifest from a case of TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder is more common than you might think According to statistics compiled by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Known as TMJ disorder or TMD, temporomandibular joint disorder affects more people than you may think—and many who suffer from the disorder may not even know they have it. According to the website of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, estimates suggest that more than 10 million Americans suffer from TMD. Many suffer from TMD and its consequences for decades before receiving an accurate diagnosis. Some people may never have TMJ disorder diagnosed, meaning they live with the ailment and the chronic, debilitating pain it...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Millions of Americans deal with chronic pain on a daily basis that impedes their ability to function. However, did you know that continuing medical research finds that men and women experience pain in different ways? In surveys taken of the pain levels experienced by patients on a 10-point scale, where 0 means no pain is present and 10 is the worst pain possible, women usually report a higher pain level, on average. Furthermore, in cases where opiates are prescribed to relieve pain, women typically need higher doses...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI At some point in your life, you probably will encounter intermittent jaw pain. If jaw pain is occurring on a regular basis or is severe, however, then you could be suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder—or TMJ for short. Your Grand Rapids TMJ specialists can identify when jaw pain is a symptom of the disorder, but here are some signs you can keep an eye out for to determine if your jaw pain could mean you have TMJ. First off, let’s take a look at some of the...

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